
Hi, friends!

Wow, it has been a long time since I last updated.  Too long.  But a lot has been going on and I’m afraid I’ve been a bit distracted.

First of all, my sweet kitty Midnight has been struggling with some health problems.  I think we’ve finally gotten her through them (hopefully!), but it’s taken a real toll on me.  She’s my baby girl.  When she’s unhappy, I’m unhappy.

Unfortunately, she’s not my only pet who has been battling some health problems.  My parakeet Petrie came down with a bit of a bacterial infection last week and all hell broke loose.  Literally.  After I got him home from the vet, he panicked while I was trying to get him back into his cage and got himself stuck behind my bookshelf.

I won’t lie to you.  There were a few moments there that I honestly thought I’d lost him.  I was panicked and distraught and all kinds of horrified.  But once the shelves came crashing down, he was just fine.  A little traumatized, perhaps, but no worse for the wear.  He’s off his antibiotics now and just fine, thank goodness.  I don’t think his brother would have forgiven me if anything happened to him.  I don’t think I would have forgiven myself.

So, aside from pets that are trying their very best to give me a heart attack, what else is new?

The third book in the Boy Band series comes out JULY 12 and before you ask, no, I am not ready.  For some reason, I’m really anxious about this release.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited about it and I’m really happy with how the book turned out (not at all how I planned or expected it would, BTW), but I’m also nervous because I’m hoping that I’ve done it justice.  I know readers really like this series and these characters and I’m so, so, so thankful and humbled by that.  I’m just really hoping that they’re happy with the book.  I mean, I know as the author, it’s supposed to be, “Write for yourself, if you’re happy with it, that’s all that matters…” but the thing is writers are nothing without readers!  I want to give them the story that they deserve and I want to give the characters that they love the story that they deserve.  Boy Band started off as a silly side project and has grown into so much more!  I love the story and the characters and I’m just hoping this third installment lives up to the first two.


When I started writing Boy Band, I had no idea it would become a series.  I certainly never expected it to be any more than a trilogy.  But these characters aren’t ready to let me off the hook just yet.  There will definitely be at least one more book.

Aside from all that, I’ve really been keeping to myself a lot.  I’ve felt a transition period coming on for a while now and I’m still not entirely sure what it’s going to be about.  I’m trying to take this as a time to explore and learn and try to figure out my place in the grand scheme of things, but with sick pets and a deadline fast approaching, it’s been a bit difficult.  Maybe once the new book is out, I’ll have a bit more clarity.

Oh!  Speaking of new books, the second book in the Lurking series, Lurking in the Shadows, was released yesterday!  Go grab yourself a copy!


Happy Wednesday, friends.  Keep reading!

Witches, Mermaids, and Pinocchio

Hi, friends!

It’s been a while since I posted an update, but a LOT has been going on!  I don’t even know where to begin!

First of all, I’m excited to announce that ALL of my books are now available to read for FREE on Kindle Unlimited!  That’s right!  Now you can read Boy Band for FREE and no one has to know!

Speaking of Boy Band, this past weekend was Dallas Fan Expo (Comic Con) and BOY BAND SOLD OUT.  I literally sold ONE copy last year and this year it SOLD OUT.  I was kicking myself for not bringing more copies!  I don’t know what the deal was!  Suddenly it was really popular!

Other than that, however, Comic Con was a total blast.  I shared a booth with authors James William Peercy, a dear friend, and Steve Reedy, a new children’s book author.  Well, technically, he writes stories for all ages but kids really seem to like his book (I haven’t read it yet, but I will soon!).

This year, I did something new.  I stopped people who were dressed as my favorite characters and asked them to pose with my book.  I’ll be the first to admit I may have had a little too much fun…

I was really excited to meet that person in the dinosaur costume.  They’re just too funny!  I swear I laugh EVERY time I see one of those videos!

After Comic Con, I had one day off before waking up bright and early to drive up to Arkansas to see my sister.  She’s studying opera there for the summer and Tuesday night was her first appearance as Pinocchio.

The entire show was ridiculously cute.  The cast did such a great job.

Since they performed at the Botanical Gardens, I was also able to walk around a bit before the show.  And of course, I took about a thousand pictures.

Finally, on my way home from Arkansas, I made a quick detour to Hugo, Oklahoma.  Those of you who’ve read the third Cemetery Tours will recognize Hugo as the setting for the third novel, After Death.  Hugo is known as Circus City, USA.  In fact, so much of the circus’ history is rooted in Hugo that there is a Circus Cemetery called Showmen’s Rest.  I featured this cemetery in After Death and yesterday, I stopped by to visit and to pay my respects for those who celebrated life under the Big Top.

Now, I think I’m finally home for the summer and ready to get back to work!  I’m hoping to officially announce a release date for Worldwide soon!

Love you all!

AWRW Featured Author: Jacqueline E. Smith @JackieSmith114 #FeaturedAuthor #BookReview

A Well Read Woman Blog 📖

The Talented, The Lovely, Jacqueline E Smith!

Jacqueline Smith was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. She attended the University of Texas at Dallas, where she earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Art and Performance in 2010. Two years later, she earned her Master’s Degree in Humanities. 

Along with writing and publishing, Jacqueline loves photography, traveling, and nature. — Amazon Author Bio

Today I am featuring Author Jacqueline E Smith’s books on my blog. As I have told nearly everyone in passing, this is the new home for A Well Read Woman Blog, and I would like to move my reviews to this new site. I thought I would start with Jackie’s books. 🙂

Jackie writes paranormal, horror novels, (Cemetery Tours Book Series), as well as new-adult, romance reads, (with her Boy Band Book Series). She also has several short stories published. In addition to being an author, she is…

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