Facebook Like Exchange

Hi, friends!

Okay, it is cold. It’s the middle of July in TEXAS and it is cold. Hell has literally frozen over. I used my heater in my car today.


This is Texas. This is a place where, if you think 100 degrees is hot, you are considered a wimp. We actually do not know how to function when it is July and it’s 68 degrees outside. That’s like, our WINTER.

Okay, winter is a little colder, but still. I actually needed a jacket today. IN JULY. You want to know where I was the last time I wore a jacket in July? Scotland. Because it’s cold there all the time. Texas is like, the land of heat and baking cookies inside your car because it’s so stinking hot out. It just doesn’t make sense. My brain is short-circuiting.

On the book front, however, I’ve been thinking. I’m really wanting to start expanding my social media outreach, so I’m proposing a Facebook Like Swap. If you’re reading this and you have a Facebook Like Page, stop by and like my page…


… and leave me a message either there or here with a link to your page and I will reciprocate! I need to keep writing, but I also need to keep up with marketing and self-promotion (which, honestly, I kind of hate, but it is a necessary evil). It would mean a lot to me if you’d stop by and like the page, and like I said, I will like your page in return.

Have a pleasant evening! STAY WARM.