
Hi, everyone.  Well, I am still recovering form the week I just had.  It’s taken a little longer than I thought it would, but the good news is I have been able to stay active and busy.  I’ll tell you all more about it in a later post.

I did finish reading The Calling by Louise G. White.  It was an excellent fantasy, and you can find my reviews on Amazon, GoodReads, and Barnes and Noble.  However, I thought I’d share it here as well.

I love fantasy, so I was quite eager to read Louise G. White’s debut novel, The Calling.

Like several fantasy books, it takes a few chapters to really begin to understand the dynamic and workings of the world, but once you’re in, you’re captivated, and I can guarantee you will not want to leave it behind.

The Calling is beautifully written with strong characters, especially the protagonist, Carolyn. So often, I’ve found female leads irritating, sometimes downright unlikable. But Ms. White has created a powerful heroine in Carolyn, and you can’t help but root for her as she embarks on a journey to save her mother and her brother.

On a personal note, Ms. White and her book came to me at a time I desperately needed a distraction, an escape. The Calling was perfect, truly one of the few bright spots in a week of sadness and loss. I can’t begin to tell you how thankful I was to have this story, this world, waiting for me.

The Calling is a colorful, suspenseful, sensual, magical tale that keeps you wanting more even after you’ve turned the final page. I am very much looking forward to the sequel, Chasing the Demon, which will be released later on this year.

Thank you so much, Ms. White. Your world, your characters, your story, is a joy and a genuine privilege.

I am also thrilled to announce that my blog was nominated for another award!  I’d like to personally thank Lydia and Anastasia at Cupcakes and Popcorn for nominating me!

You can find their blog here:


“The LITWA was invented in 2012 by Barbara Matteo, a fellow blogger who publishes posts about women’s creativity, spirituality and issues affecting the female gender on the blog idealisticrebel. The blog award’s full title is in fact “Being a Light in the World Award.

Barbara created the LITWA to celebrate those wonderful people in our world who spread light, love, hope and peace in the name of humanity. Bloggers receiving this award are encouraged to continue promoting these virtues and work as a force of peace and light in the world, touching their readers’ hearts and making a difference in their lives, no matter how small. The award has as its background a scene of a beach taken at sunset with holidaymakers enjoying themselves. This picture was taken by Barbara herself. Just as the sun in the picture brings light and sustenance to the earth and is the reason why any living thing can exist on our planet in the first place, the LITWA is a gift to those bloggers who help shine the light into other people’s worlds, giving them sustenance, hope and happiness through the venerable dialogue of blogging.

The LITWA has the following rules for nominees to follow:

1. Thank the person who gives you the award;
2. Spread this award around to the people who you know who are doing this work, so that the work continues and the light is spread;
3. Let your nominees know of their nomination;
4. Never give up on your fellow human beings.”

My nominees for the Light in the World Award are…

Thank you all for your kind words during a particularly painful week.  I’ll never forget them.


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